Shree Satguru Infocom Pvt. Ltd. was founded in 2007 as a IT Company.
Today, SSIPL offers a wide range of audio visual products under the brand name of Screen Technics which is well accepted brand for high-tech premium products.
For providing the total solution, SSIPL has also tied up with other well-known brands such as BenQ, Hitachi, Epson, Infocus, Dell, cybernetyx, Viewsonic, Optoma etc. LG has tied up with SSIPL by appointing them as an exclusive partner for Mumbai region for Interactive-Large-Displays.
Our registered office is located at 273, Udyog Bhavan, Sonawala Road, Goregaon (East), Mumbai – 400063, India, and our warehouse is located at Vasai Road East, Palghar 401208.
We do not only sell products, but our major focus is always on service, which is why we offer the most advanced Repair Centre with in-house experienced experts for Audio Visual Equipments. We have been selected as authorized service provider by Hitachi.cybernetyxcybernetyx cybernetyx